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eAsy Tutor
eAsy Tutor A Pros
Our Academic Champions
Your Ace Exam Companions
Give your beloved child the success Ace
Our students are able, brilliant, competent, diligent, excellent, performing at the top 10% among HK students of IBDP, IGCSE, HKDSE, SAT, AP, & GCE AL.
中文網 AProRay
Monthly Fee/subject /student for 4 lessons @our Center:
Trial Plan: 4 lessons x 1 hr=4 hr
NSS S1-S2 HK$1380 Private
HK$1180 Semi-private
HK$800 Group(≤ 6 students)
DSE S3-S4 HK$1600 Private
HK$1380 Semi-private
HK$1180 Group
DSE S5-S6 HK$1800 Private
HK$1680 Semi-private
HK$1380 Group
IGCSE/SAT HK$1800 Private
HK$1680 Semi-private
HK$1380 Group
IB/IAL/AP HK$2380 Private
HK$1800 Semi-private
HK$1380 Group
GRE/MCAT HK$3000 Private HK$2380 Semi-private
HK$1800 Group
Primary HK$1380 Private
HK$1180 Semi-private
HK$800 Group
University HK$3000 Private HK$2380 Semi-private
HK$1800 Group
Pro Plan: 4 lessons x 1.5 hr=6 hr
NSS S1-S2 HK$1880 Private
HK$1500 Semi-private
HK$1100 Group(≤ 6 students)
DSE S3-S4 HK$2280 Private
HK$1880 Semi-private
HK$1500 Group
DSE S5-S6 HK$2380 Private
HK$2280 Semi-private
HK$1880 Group
IGCSE/SAT HK$2380 Private
HK$1880 Semi-private
HK$1500 Group
IB/IAL/AP HK$3000 Private
HK$2380 Semi-private
HK$1880 Group
GRE/MCAT HK$3880 Private HK$3180 Semi-private
HK$2380 Group
Primary HK$1880 Private
HK$1500 Semi-private
HK$1100 Group
University HK$3880 Private HK$3180 Semi-private
HK$2380 Group
VIP Plan: 4 lessons x 2 hr=8 hr
NSS S1-S2 HK$2380 Private
HK$1880 Semi-private
HK$1380 Group(≤ 6 students)
DSE S3-S4 HK$2800 Private
HK$2380 Semi-private
HK$1880 Group
DSE S5-S6 HK$3000 Private
HK$2800 Semi-private
HK$2380 Group
IGCSE/SAT HK$3000 Private
HK$2380 Semi-private
HK$1880 Group
IB/IAL/AP HK$3800 Private
HK$3000 Semi-private
HK$2380 Group
GRE/MCAT HK$5000 Private HK$3880 Semi-private
HK$3000 Group
Primary HK$2380 Private
HK$1880 Semi-private
HK$1380 Group
University HK$5000 Private HK$3880 Semi-private
HK$3000 Group
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